Today marks the 11th day of the quarter and things are getting off to a great start here in Kona. All of the new students are really showing a deep hunger to get closer to Jesus, develop a relationship with Him and not just follow a religion. This quarter I am also part time staff to a Call2All DTS lead by Johnny & Jenni Gillespie. They are doing such an amazing job you would have never guessed it is their first time leading a DTS.
Both of the jobs I took on for this quarter, Work Duty Coordinator and DTS registrar, have really started to slow down. Both jobs were a lot of work right before the quarter started because I was processing so many applications and trying to get people out to Kona before the quarter started. It turned into a very busy time. Coordinating all of the work duties on campus has been no small task either, trying to get everybody in order all over campus and figure out where all of the students are going to be working. Both of those jobs have slowed down which is great because it provides me with more time to be part of this C2A DTS that is running right now.
Being part time staff for this school provides me a great opportunity to build into students lives before staffing the DTS in the summer. I also get to see how a DTS is run behind the scenes. God calling me to Kona back in early March was no mistake. I was brought out that early to really get into the feel for all of my work duties and then be able to be a part of this school. It provided for me a greater time to understand what I was going to be doing on campus.
I am really looking forward to all of the great things the Lord is going to be doing these next three months with all of the new students, dramatically transforming student’s lives.