The Lord has really been blessing me a lot lately. My mom came to visit me here in Kona from June 1st-8th. We had a great time snorkeling and seeing the island. I also got a chance to send out a whole ton of support letters with her by my side, helping me by addressing, putting on return address stickers and stamps and oh, the fun of licking each envelope! Thank you all for reading it.
Lately the Lord has been taking me into deeper places with Him. I am discovering what Jesus meant when he spoke of knowing his Father. Intimacy, which in Greek means "to know," is a huge theme of the New Testament whether the word is used directly or not. Jesus often spoke of how he only did what the Father did and he spoke of his closeness with the Father, both of those things hit really deep on intimacy. The Lord has been showing me those places, reading his word and discovering the character of God and what it means to be like him or 'part of the vine.' This next season is going to hold a lot for me in regards to knowing Jesus better and becoming like Him in all aspects of life. I can explain it like this, when you hang out with your best friend a lot you start to pick up their traits, mannerisms and characteristics, it is the same when you spend a lot of time with Jesus, you know Him and start to become like Him.
The DTS I am staffing this summer is starting to pick up speed. The staff for the DTS went on an advance (we don't retreat) this past week where we shared testimonies and then prophesied over each other to encourage each other. It was probably the most amazing time I have had during my time with YWAM. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so thick in the room we were in we didn't want to leave. We went with our own agenda and ended up doing what the Spirit wanted to do, which was ministering to one another for almost 48 hours. The result of that time was a heavily united staff, this is so evident from all of the response from people on base saying how bonded our staff is already and it isn't even 2 weeks before the school starts. The summer is going to hold many amazing things. The Spirit is going to be moving in new ways this summer that are going to break people’s boxes and paradigms. I can't wait to share with you all the things that are going to happen on this campus.