Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nagaland Team Update 4

Hello from Nagaland,

Last week was a great week once again.
Some highlights of the week:
-Spending three evenings with a group of college girls and guys teaching them the Bible Overview over two days and acting out the book of Esther.
-Saturday doing an all day seminar with a church of young people teaching them how to study the Bible inductively through the book of Philemon. It was so cool to get to spend some in depth time with them and watch them get excited over studying the Bible themselves as we did workshops with them!
-On Sunday we got the opportunity to attend a seminar hosted by a local church featuring a speaker from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. It was refreshing to get to be in the audience rather than teaching and we got to learn a lot about Nagaland through the time.
-As well this week we have done a few house visits and had opportunity encourage and pray for people in their homes.
-Monday marked the half-way point of our time here. We took some time as a team to look back at our first half and look forward to the second half. We feel that God has shown us so much blessing in our time here and are looking forward to what He has planned yet.

Prayer Requests:
-Continued good health and endurance
-Continued focus and dependence on God
-For the people here that the Word of God would grow in their hearts

Thanks so much for all of your continued prayers!

Love and Prayers,

Nagaland Team