Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Season and New Opportunities

The end of April and beginning of May have brought with them a whole ton of opportunities for me and my future with YWAM. Andrew York, the school leader for this summer’s DTS has been talking to me a lot about the DTS this summer and what he is thinking about after the DTS school is over. He has presented a request to the staff of this school to make a two year commitment to the Summer DTS. Why is he asking this you may wonder? Well, glad you asked! Andrew wants to form a staff that would continue to work together, that have a bond, and would be committed to students and to the nations. The commitment is much more than a six month DTS and then six months off, which is the usual course. The idea behind the two year commitment to the DTS is to have a staff outreach after the school has ended. That would be the staff that have committed to two years going all together to a country that we all agree to in prayer and ministering for two months. This commitment to the DTS also comes with a request by Andrew as well. Andrew has requested the staff making the two year commitment have a goal of raising $2,000 a month in support. You may be asking yourself "why so much?" The idea behind asking the staff to raise $2,000 in support is because of disasters like Haiti. Our team prays about it and gets a "yes" to go, but we don't have the money. We would have to send out letters requesting support and wait. We want to already have the funding to go, to be able to jump on a plane that same week and be able to help right after the disaster happens.
What I am asking of those reading this is, for you to partner with me in meeting this goal. The Lord has called me to serve with YWAM for a lifetime and I know that he will provide financially. At this time I am currently believing him for $2,000 a month in support. If you feel lead to partner with me in this season and believe in what I am doing and my pursuit for God, you can donate on the right hand side of this page. If you are already supporting me financially, thank you for your faithfulness. If you have anymore questions about what I am doing then please email me personally at, I would love to answer any questions you may be having.
On another note, the base here has been thriving this quarter. It has been amazing to see so many students growing in a deeper and intimate relationship with our creator. The Call2All DTS I am helping out with has been awesome. To watch a lot of students coming to deeper revelations of the love and character of God is amazing and fulfilling. There are some that have completely turned around from when the school first started. Seeing these transformations just stokes me more for the DTS this summer and the awesome things that we are expecting. The staff for the summer DTS that are currently in Kona have been sitting down together on Fridays and praying together for the school, students, and staff. It is already such a huge blessing to see the staff so hard pressed after God and His presence. As things progress quickly this month I will be keeping everybody updated on what I am doing here in Kona. Thank you again for your prayers and support, you are all appreciated!