Tuesday, March 29, 2011


he counseling school that I was taking has officially finished and I am excited and saddened at the same time. On one hand I am glad to be done with school and free to do more around campus, but at the same time I am going to miss school. Until I started this class I hadn't realized how much I actually had missed school in general and the work that comes with it. While I was in high school I really didn't enjoy it, mostly because of all of the homework that we had. I had envisioned college would be different simply because I would get to choose the classes I would be taking and thus be able to choose what I enjoy. My assumptions turned out to be true. I enjoyed the work we did for the counseling school a lot more than I would any other type of school work, because I wanted to do it. The lectures were something I looked forward to on a daily basis and not something I was dreading each and everyday like I remember doing in my high school days.

Although these past three months have been such a growing time for me I am stoked to start the next season of my life here in Hawaii. For the next two months or so I am planning to work with the campus development department here on base. I have been working with them for the past three months as my work duty (2 hours a day worth of work for student, essentially a job), during that time we did an assortment of construction jobs from framing walls to pouring slabs of cement. During the next two months of work I will be doing whatever is necessary to see the completion of the buildings that are currently under construction on the mission base here. As soon as all of electrical and plumbing is finished we will be dry-walling the whole new two story dormitory, which will probably take around one full month of work.

During this time the members of the Awaken DTS staff will be continuing to meet and prepare for the DTS this summer. We meet a few times a week to bond and build relationship with each other. We are a very dedicated group of people and we expect a lot out of this summer. Among the group there is a deep hunger to see the Kingdom of Heaven invade earth and at the same time relaxing in knowing it’s the Lord who will bring it as we wait on Him. We are all learning about resting in the Lord, gaining new understanding of what it truly means to "be still and know that I am God" and that all we do HAS to be based out of a love for God and a love for others. Without the foundation of those two things all of our efforts will fail. The Lord is doing amazing things among us and we are ready for even more! Pray for us as we long for a deeper understanding of the love and restful relationship with our creator.


  1. So excited for you Christer!

    It looks like all of the habitat for humanity will pay off...

    I am excited for what God will do in you and through you during this time. If you loved school, why not take more classes? Are you working toward any type of degree over there? How does that work?

    Praying for you and unity among us!

  2. Thanks Johnny,

    I was a great experience to work with them, but I'll be gaining a lot more practical knowledge this time around. When I worked with Habitat in the past it was mostly moving trash from the job site, I'm stoked to gain useful handman skills.

    I don't think I'll end up going back to school or towards any degree of any type, as I've sought the Lord on it I feel lead in a different direction. More one of preaching and teaching the word of God and ministering to unbelievers.

    Hope all is going well and the Lord is showing himself strong in your midst.

    Much love.
